Thursday, February 19, 2015

BA2 Creating My Final Sculpt 4 (Robes and Backing Piece)

At this stage I was creating the cover pieces for the sculpt's chest as well as a simple but essential robe flow out for the bottom half.

I began my using ZSpheres to block out the flow of the robes then continued to smooth out and detail them to where I felt that had enough information to display what they were.

I created the lower dress from the remnants of the ZSphere mesh created earlier and copied and molded the chest cloth and draped it over to add a little more interest to the lower half and break the symmetry.

I also created a very simple backing piece and carved holes into the head and stomach area to act as place holder murder holes. The backing piece won't be detailed as it's simply their to act as the backing piece for my sculpt and give reference to what my gargoyle is and its orientation.

I am content with the overall form and believe the sculpt now has enough detail to begin texturing it.

The next post will be the final phases of my sculpt as it will be recording the final overlay of paint and downloaded texture images.

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