Thursday, February 19, 2015

BA2 Creating My Final Sculpt 3 (Head)

The head was by far the most frightening part to create yet, not only because it's meant to be, but because I was indeed worried as to how attempt it and whether I would be able to do it justice.

I decided the job I had done on my initial female head bust was not too bad and thought to use it a base to create the frontal "mask" my design wears.

 I started By carving the face off and then staring to remove the jaw most of the mouth as well as digging into the side of the head and cheeks.

I then distorted some of the features, emphasising curves to keep a sort of feminine feel and removed the exterior bridges of the eyes as I felt it added a much more unique appearance to the mask as well as widening the openings in the eyes making them more vacant and thus soulless.

Content with the final design of the mask I placed it over a "template" mold and would continue by creating metal panels around that would act as a fake jaw and replace areas such as the side of the head and neck.


I created the side pieces to resemble metal strips twisted and bowed to form crude components of the hard of my sculpt.

Using shadow box i created one strand of hair and then copied and warped it created a flat and rather disturbing Medusa like hair set.

The crown was created in a similar fashion using shadow box to create the form and then the inflate and smoothing tool to create a sleek metal like design.

With the head complete I would move on to fuse it to the body altering the neck plates to fit around the upper torso.

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